Earwax Removal FAQ

Here you will find answers to common questions about our ear wax removal services in Medway, Kent. Learn more about the procedure, its benefits, and how to schedule an appointment.

Does ear wax removal hurt?

Microsuction should not cause any pain or discomfort, although some patients may find the the procedure slightly uncomfortable.  Most people report no discomfort at all.   The suction procedure can sound noisy because of its proximity to the ear drum although most patients have no issue with this.  Some patients find the procedure oddly satisfying, with a slight tickling sensation.


What are the different services offered for ear wax removal?

We provide Ear Wax Removal using Microsuction and Irrigation options.  Your ear technician will advise you on the most suitable procedure following examination, medical history and discussion with the patient.


How does the procedure work and how long does it take?

The length of your treatment will vary depending on the degree of blockage and whether one or both ears need to be treated.   We recommend patients allow up to 45 mins although the procedure can be much shorter.  A summary of the procedure is as follows:

  1. Patient history is taken
  2. Examination of the ear canal/ear drum by microscope
  3. Gentle removal of blockage
  4. Re-examination and final checks
  5. Better hearing and healthy ears

You may sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Your technician will use a microscope to provide a clear view of the ear canal.  A small, soft tube will be inserted into your ear and connected to the suction device. The suction will then pull the wax out of your ear. You may feel a slight pressure in your ear when the suction is applied. The ear should be kept dry for 24 hours after the procedure.


Can children undergo ear wax removal procedures?

Yes, we offer ear wax removal services for children over the age of 5. 



Are there any side effects?

As with all medical procedures, microsuction carries a very small amount of risk and side effects, most of which are very rare.  

The most common side effect is some dizziness, faintness or vertigo, temporary hearing loss, during or shortly after the procedure. This is temporary and due to the temperature of the ear canal “cooling” during microsuction.


How often should ear wax removal be done?

The frequency of ear wax removal depends on individual factors. 

The treatment can be administered as required although the frequency varies from one client to another.   Some people tend to build up ear wax quicker than others.  There are also other contributory factors such as health, extended wearing of headphones or ear buds as well as hearing aids.   

However, if ear wax builds up quite quickly, a six monthly appointment is usually sufficient.  Many patients need only visit annually.  


What are the common signs of excessive ear wax build-up?

Symptoms may include ear pain, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, muffled or itchy ears and dizziness.


How can I schedule an appointment for ear wax removal?

Contact us  on 07399 646939 to book your ear wax removal appointment today.

Ready to experience the benefits of ear wax removal? Call us on 07399 646939 to schedule your appointment.